The bowl in the bottom right corner shows the bowl the inspired this weeks set of bowl. I like how the depth of the relief suddenly changes as the carving gets closer to the exact bottom of the bowl. My
Week of Feb 23rd

I carved some more bowls last week. Here are the photos. You can see in the last photo the different texture and tearing from carving a bowl that is drier.
Week of Feb 16th

This week I started some new forms of pendant lights. You can see my progress in the gallery. The first set of photos is after my first round of carving while the shapes are still soft. After they stiffen up
Work from Feb 6th

I finished 5 more bowls in my bowls of fate series. I am up to 34 now. I haven’t started glazing them yet, but right now I am planning on using my matte white inside with rubbed iron oxide on
New Bowls Jan 26th

I fired some new bowls and added them to my bowls of fate gallery.
Finished bowl

This bowl is finished with an iron oxide wash on the outside. I love how every mark including finger prints show up when pots are finished this way. The inside has my matte white glaze just far enough over the